Dear Mommy,
This past weekend I did a thing. I went on a girls trip with 6 others and enjoyed every minute of it.
For those that know me, I am pretty laid back, super easy going, very low stress and definitely low maintenance. I also am the biggest homebody. I'm the kid in high school who had her parents have to push her out of the house because why go out when it was way easy to stay at home and hang out with your parents. LOL. I loved it. Sure they got on my nerves, but most of the time, it was great. Plus, I had everything I needed.
Today, I would say I'm pretty much the same. Thanks to the few people throughout my life that have pushed me on the regular to get up, get dressed (in real clothes) and go out. From high school, to college, to now... thank you <3 I thank you. And I'm pretty sure it's safe to say, my family thanks you also.
So a few weeks back, I committed to going on this girls trip. We rented an AirBNB in Tzfat and spent the weekend in the chilled up (both physically because it was cold, and metaphorically, because you know, well...tzfat) mountains and fresh air of the holy city. After a year plus of social life being on the fritz, it's easy to get used to just hanging out at home and not having to make an effort to do things. So with the help of 2 of the girls, a sister and 'sister' in law, I signed up and did a thing.
Some could say I'm just like my mom in that way. Take me out of my comfort zone and I forget how to be a human. Well, girls trip was great. These people have known each other let me say for a long time. Years. It's always tough to be the new one...let alone when you add on that 5 of 7 are semi involved in planning a wedding, and 6 of the 7 at least are dating someone there's that. But it was great. The fresh air. the great food... we cooked Indian and made French crepes. Helps to have well traveled people, as well as internationals (not just Americans) in the mix...
One thing I did notice over the course of this trip that I can only say this corona year didn't help was interacting and letting your vulnerabilities be present. For a lot of this past year, I relied on myself to get through and by from one day to the next. Because lets be real, that's the only person that was around. Everyone was dealing and trying to figure out their next steps... so was I. It felt good this weekend to be pushed, to be challenged, and to forced to reconnect with people who are just genuinely great people.
Im fortunate to have people in my life that keep pushing me forward. Im fortunate to be surrounded by people that care. And I'm fortunate that these girls allowed me to join them, allowed me to be my quirky awkward self, while adjusting back to what life should be like.
Dont forget to enjoy each moment. Step out of your comfort zone and take on new experiences. And be vulnerable with those around you. It can only teach you more about yourself in the long run.
Stay safe. stay healthy. and keep doing good things <3