Dear Mommy,
Wow. Was that really just the first 10 days of the New Year? To say 2021 started off with a bang would be the an incredible understatement. Just last week we were all sitting around thinking about those New Years resolutions we had made. How proud and excited we were to kick off a new year. That this just might be the turning point well all needed after a crazy ridiculously long 2020.
Turns out, it was a turning point of a week, just not in the way we expected.
For me, I had my first official COVID-19 scare. I received my first corona up the nose swab the mouth test. The nurse kept asking me to stick my tongue out, and just like the other children around, I was squirming to get out of that chair and get that annoyingly long stick away from my face. After the long anticipated phone call of updating my Dad that I had just got tested and was home until further notice... symptoms: massive headache. 102 fever. chills. It's safe to say that waiting for the test results were not the only thing that kept me home. I was in bed for the next 3 days. Saved by friends with chicken soup, saltines, and gatorade. Test results came back less than 24 hours with a NEGATIVE result. Breathe of fresh air even though I was still stuck sweating it out under the covers.
All while I was trying to catch a health break, I found myself once again glued to the news and the events that were taking place in Washington D.C. I wasn't shocked, I was incredibly saddened by the state of America. And disgusted by what I saw. To be an American outside of America and watch these events take place is one thing, but to watch the reactions of others (non Americans) was something else entirely.
While in and out of checking the news, I basically finished watching all of Netflix. Here are my latest ventures.
-Cobra Kai. (if you loved the Karate kid or even liked it a little bit, watch this).
-Bridgerton (because why not)
-Derry Girls (hilarious and short even while trying to understand an Irish accent)
-Tiny Pretty Things (Pretty Little Liars in crazy ballet dance form so naturally I loved it)
-and the amazing Spider-Man moves finishing with Venom (Marvel over DC every day of the week)
So needless to say, there certainly has been a lot of nothing that has been happening over here. But one thing I realized was how resilient the human body is. We are conditioned to fight back. We are conditioned when faced with a threat to hold our ground and fight. My body was fighting off this virus with every fiber in me. The need to rest and recover and pace yourself before returning to full form is the most important. Yet, that is the most difficult thing for me to do. I went on a 20 minute walk yesterday to sit outside with some friends (corona friendly and safe of course). That 20 minute walk was the slowest and most difficult thing I've done in quite some time. I wanted to run. I wanted to sweat. I just wanted to move my body and not have it be difficult. But without restarting. Re-pacing myself. Re-setting myself. I won't get very far.
While this past week was difficult. I almost look at it as an opportunity for a reset. I didn't make any massive goals. I never do. I'm not great every at keeping them. But the one I did write down for myself this year was more me time. Well, I certainly got it this week. I don't want to change. I don't want a 'new' me. I just want to continue to grow. Continue to work hard. Continue to play hard. and enjoy this life.
We are only granted one opportunity to sieze the moment. Don't be too caught up to miss your opportunity. This week was difficult for the world around. Find the silver linings. Find the blessings. Find the beauty and lets take those lessons with us as we move forward ahead to change. to healing. and to growth.
Happy Sunday! Let's try this again. 2021 we're all counting on you. But it starts with us.
Have a great week. :) stay safe stay healthy feel good.