Dear Mommy,
They don't tell you how hard it is to make new friends after college...
Surely by now I've learned that, having picked up and moved more than a handful of times since college. I do miss being able to share the new people I have collected along the way, as well as the new ones that have yet to enter my life. I have been more than fortunate to have made phenomenal friends in college. And even more fortunate, to have found amazing people to connect with as I have moved from one city to the next.
Starting over at 30 though has a new connotation. Because even if I am just looking to make friends, I am also looking to meet my better half. significant other. boyfriend. eventual husband. however you want to label it, it's there. Hanging over every friendship with a human of the male gender. Looking back over my life, I have always found friendships easier to form with guys. Sports and the sweatpants look is what usually bonded us. And whiskey, later in life. I always was lucky enough to have found the one or two or three girlfriends I needed to help get me through. they always checked in to make sure I put make up on every once in a while...dressed up before a date, or simply were there to have a girls night, glass of wine and grey's anatomy (somehow this one has been a staple for the last 16 years...and it all started Sunday night's in high school with me and my mom.)
So over the last 6 weeks or so, I have joined a baseball team (thank you for letting me join you and sucking it up on the baseball field and only slightly hating me for it), forced people to hang out with me, went on dates to get out of the house, and reunited with some favorite University of Maryland people. I've gotten to spend hours drinking coffee with my sister and niece, see favorite people visiting from the states, begin to build my business and figure out how to make ends meet, and watch the amazingness and kindness of people who just want to be there to help. I am forever grateful for these special humans who have put up with my uncertainties, hesitations, overeagerness, excitement, and willingness to put myself out there.
I am not slowing down anytime soon. So TLV, thank you so far for your hospitality, reconnecting of friendships, new relationships, quality family time, and starting over. Because starting over doesn't always have to suck. Enjoy where you are. Pick your head. And count your blessings. It won't always be easy, but it definitely can be way fun.
I would LOVE to hear some feedback from all of you! New post ideas, feedback on this latest post, and in general, advice on how to get better and connect with more of you!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season and only amazing things to come in this New Year! Happy almost 2020. may this year bring clarity and perfect vision for all of us. <3