Dear Mommy,
To say the last few weeks have been a whirlwind would be a huge understatement. I've been stressed, panic attacks, no sleep, weird eating habits, not enough physical activity, and to top it all off, a huge amount of instability and uncertainty.
Life in a new country, even a country that I have frequented on a regular basis for over 15 years, can be incredibly challenging, eye opening, scary, and exciting. Over the last few weeks I have sent my resume to so many gyms, spoken to different head coaches, managers, coaches, and personal trainers. I've done major networking, hustling, spreading my name, and trying to figure out how to rebrand. There have been times when I wasn't sure what was going to happen, interviewing and applying for positions in sales, restaurants, and hotels, to make sure at the end of the day, I was at least bringing home a pay check. I am 30 years old, I picked up and moved to a foreign country, started over, am embarking on a new professional path, and all in the last 3 months. Throw in there a second language and totally different personalities and it's a real fun party!
One of the most incredible feelings for me though, at least thus far, is that even when I've panicked. Even when I had no idea where a source of income was going to come from. Or which direction to look next. I have felt more at ease, than I did for the last four years. I feel content.I feel happy. I know things will work out. As a good friend once told me, put your energies, all of your energies out into this world, and the world will feed off of every single one. You will find yours. You will find your space. your place and your direction. I certainly don't have everything under control here. I am learning more and questioning more with each day. But I am content.
Self-Confidence is one of the topics I want to talk about. It is something I assume a parent hopes to see in their child. It is certainly one that as teachers, trainers, coaches, we hope to instill and nourish within our clients, students, and athletes. Patience, understanding, empathy, and the desire to see someone grow, learn and develop, are all necessary skills in order to help develop self-confidence within someone else. Positive reinforcement. Small direct pointers. Focusing on the good, the positive, the beneficial. instead of the negative, the misses, and the bad.
But what happens when we have to build our own confidence? What happens when no one is around to remind you that you are good enough. You are making a difference? Keep pushing forward, because you are worth it. And if this is truly what you want, then you deserve to see it through. We have enough people in our lives, in our world telling us the mistakes we have made. Reminding us about all of the "things" we are doing wrong day to day. Dr. Ivan Joseph talks about the idea of self-confidence being a skill. It is something that can be trained. It can be taught. It can be nourished to develop and grow into something bigger, more powerful, more inspirational. His mantra is "be the captain of your ship and the master of your fate".
It is intimidating stepping into a new gym. It is intimidating not feeling proficient at a second language. It is intimidating to be starting over, getting asked questions about it on a regular basis. It is hard. But it is also rewarding. Freeing. Refreshing. Exciting. Honoring a legacy and a memory. And I AM the captain of my ship and the master of my fate at this given moment. And I can't wait to see with a little bit of nourishment, a little bit of time, and positive affirmation where I will be in 6 months time. In 1 years time. In 5 years time. Help each other out. Build each other up. We have enough haters in this world, we don't need to do that to each other. <3 love you all. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Sharing my story and listening to my challenges and opportunities. Leave a comment below, ideas for my next post, or what your takeaways were!