Dear Mommy,
To those of you in Israel, good afternoon, to those in the States (on the East coast), good morning, (west coast)- keep sleeping.
I'm on Day 2 of my return back to Israel. Day 2 of quarantine. Day 2 of this wild weird and new reality we are calling life. No this isn't a movie. This isn't some made up version of the Truman Show to see how we can push society to its max capacity and see where the tipping point is. But this is our world. It's a crazy beautiful and unbelievably ridiculous time to be alive. We are in the midst of the democratic primaries. An election year. The biggest international crisis of my time. And I am stuck here, inside of a 30 meter square apartment righting to the outside world.
My days thus far have consisted on sleeping from the hours of 4am-10am (missing my morning scheduled workouts unintentionally due to a stupid thing called jet lag), averaging 4 workouts a day because why not and I have the time and its fun, eating when I remember to, cleaning and unpacking, and watching Netflix.
It's a scary feeling not knowing what each day will bring. It's weird not being able to leave my apartment. But I also feel and know this is an opportunity I can't and don't want to just let it pass me by. In my daily life, I am busy. Im a hustler. I move from one place to the next. I work hard. Im up early, and stay up as late as I can (which isn't that late...). I love my life. I love what I do but I am ALWAYS on the move. At this point, I can't leave my place without repercussions, not just monetarily, or the threat of being arrested, but I could be the cause of countless individuals contracting a potentially deadly virus. So im staying put. No matter how hard that truly is for me. Not being able to see the outdoors. Not being able to get outside and see the sunshine, or the rain.
But im choosing to change that narrative. Im choosing to shift my mentality. We complain ALL the time about how busy we are. Now some of us are still working regular hours and normal jobs just from the comfort of our own homes. Some of us are fortunate that we are still bringing in a steady paycheck and life will go on. Mine is a little different. I am beginning the process of setting up video calls and doing workouts online. But I also am not running at a million miles an hour. I have time. I can sit and breathe. I can read. I do 4 workouts a day. I can take the time to appreciate the beauty in this blessing. So yes, while I have no idea when or if in the near future I will be able to continue my lifestyle, to work the way I am, and pay my rent, I am fortunate for this opportunity. Fortunate to take a step back from my 'regular' life and focus on what's important. Set out my priorities. Take time to build workout plans and do them. and create more opportunities for others to get involved and stay healthy and fit.
It is a weird time. but don't let this opportunity of appreciating the quiet, having your families together, FaceTiming with friends and family from afar, and simply just being. We have a unique opportunity to seize the moment. Don't let it pass you by. <3
Love you all, hoping everyone is staying healthy, safe, and stable. please reach out if I can help in any way! and keep your heads up! stay positive. we will get through this together.
#coronacrazies #homeworkouts #mentalhealth #blogger #tlvfitness #internationaltrainer #quarantinelife
You are amazing Jordie.. Love you and your attitude.. Facetime me anytime (at the right I am home too and would love to see your smiling face!!!! <3